By 33ZTH - 18:08

Elizabeth Casua - USEFUL TOOL: Waterbrushes, tHE 33ZTH oRDER

You can find several waterbrush brands: Derwent, Pentel, Kuretake, etc. There are different sizes in each brand, usually small, medium, large and sometimes flat.

Long time ago, I bought three of them: A flat Derwent #3 (large), a round Derwent #1 (small) and a round Pentel #4 (large). For different reasons I couldn't yet use them yet, but the time had come a couple of weekends ago. I was in People's Art Exhibition with my paintings and in one of these moments where you don't have pretty much to do... I took out my watercolour pencils and waterbrushes from my backpack in order to use them for the first time.

I was very excited because for the one hand I didn't have much idea how they went working at all. And for other hand, they are absolutly useful because you can bring with you just some watercolour pencils and three waterbrushes and that's enough for enjoy outside of your watercolour world.

Of course you have less options using this technique than the classic way, but belive me, if you have never tried them before you must to do it, it's totally worth it and the results are quite interesting.

Ever since, I'm starting to feel mad about waterbrushes, so... I'm starting to read more about them, watching videos with this technique, etc. I would like share with us a blog link where the advantages and disadvantages of different waterbrushes brands are commented. I hope it help you to enjoy even more of the watercolour world. If you know other interesting links about this subject, please feel free to share here.

Elizabeth Casua, USEFUL TOOL Waterbrushes tHE 33ZTH oRDER, from Google images

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